Friday, 18 January 2008

Richard Tan of MCYS does not take emails and calls apparently

That is what I did. Called up the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports and asked to speak to Mr Richard Tan, who is the Director of Communications and International Relations there. His name was plastered on the Youth Olympics 2010 site. Funnily enough, I seem to remember a time in 2000 or was it 2001 when we tried to send a videotape of BMX to the then Minister of MCYS, Mr Abdullah Tarmugi but we did not have any response from them or him for that matter so I see that in this 7 or 8 years, nothing much as changed communication-wise. Looks like they were not interested then and it seems that they still do not seem interested. Maybe I need to ask the National Olympic Council if they know about this or is BMX featured in the Youth Olympics in 2010. Who knows. I might get an answer faster than I can get from our own authorities.

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