Monday, 21 January 2008

BMX in the Youth Olympics in Singapore seems doomed

You know, I do not know why I even bother sometimes. Trying to get through to this guy Richard Tan is like trying to get through to the US President, and trying to make him understand the dire situation is even harder. As a matter of fact, I am doing him a favour by calling him but as per normal, he has a PA that filters his calls and it seems that the voices of the BMXers in Singapore are just not worth listening to.

Just this morning. I call his office. His PA answers. Seems he is on the phone. Never mind. I leave a message asking him to call me so that we can discuss. No reply. I call him again and this time I am told that he is at a meeting. See the pattern forming here? So I ask his PA (who else?) if he is avoiding my call. She brazenly says that that he called me and left a message. If that is so, then why am I calling to talk to him? There was NO message left on my phone at all! Then I ask the PA about BMX in Singapore. She says that Richard was mentioning about the Tampines BMX track. I asked her if Richard Tan ever got out of the air-conditioned comfort of his car to check the place out before telling everyone that they have the track in Tampines (which is in a bad state of disarray) and can confidently host the Youth Olympics. No answer but the usual perfunctory "yes I will let him know"

See what I mean? That is what is gonna happen in Singapore BMX-wise. The Youth Olympics is gonna be dooomed, all because some people in the MCYS have not been listening, and have not been listening still. We warned them in 2000 and 2001 but they did not listen. Honestly guys, you guys have NOT done your homework.


Unknown said...

HI, i need to get in touch with you abt the bmx scene in singapore. Pls email me back

dinohadi @

BobbyeCearaMckenzie said...

We've been struggling all these years and the so called organisation nvr bother to turn and when BMX (RACING) is in the Olympic yes China Olympic 2008, everyone starts tu huhahuha.. but we're lucky to have a few good men who's willing to make sacrifices for the bmx and bmx track we've here.
