Sunday, 6 January 2008

More BMX products in Singapore please

OK. I thought that I would go out today and try to do a test as to how BMX-friendly our little island is. After all, we are gunning for the Youth Olympics in 2010 right? BMX is one of the disciplines, whether Singapore likes it or not. So with that in hand, I went shopping.

First of all, I went to Adidas and asked them if they bring in the Eagle Eye Pro BMX glasses. The guy behind the counter did not even know if Adidas made such eyewear. And this was at an Adidas shop here in Singapore. OK. So Adidas Singapore does not have anything for BMX. Next please.

Next place I went to was a bookshop. Lots of magazines to browse through but check this out. Not a single BMX magazine in sight. Sure, they had mountain bike ones and the like but not a single BMX magazine to be found. Zero. Zilch. Nada. So how are people going to read up about this new Olympic sport? On the web I can hear some people say. But that is besides the point. Not everyone has a tablet PC or even web-enabled mobile phone to read information off the web. Hmph. Search not going too well. Next!

Now to bikeshops. Very little BMX stuff to be found. And I am talking about BMX race stuff! No race -specific frames, parts and stuff. Looks like we may and will have to order from overseas! All of a sudden, it is starting to look like a very expensive sport!

So you see, if we do not have BMX support from the grassroots, all I can say to Singapore, good luck with the Youth Olympics 2010. You may want to host it but it is gonna be hard to host the BMX part.

1 comment:

BobbyeCearaMckenzie said...

for BMX PLUS (sheeezzzz..the only old mag that still runss bmx racing) you can get it at KINOKUNYA @ NGEE ANN city and at Borders. Well, if you like I have not stop buying BMXPLUS since I GET BACK INTO BMX AGAIN sinced 1998. U can get from me for I've latest issue but must return back ahh...hehehehe
