Wednesday, 22 May 2013

So what is new for BMX in Singapore

It looks like the Asian Cycling Championships for BMX was a resounding success and it looks like it has captured the eyes of some Members of Parliament like Ms Irene Ng. I think people are now beginning to understand about BMX more than they did before. Now. What we need to get are more people interested in the sport and build up numbers...and interest. That will make it grow. Also that "certification" thingy to use the track. That should be scrapped. That is turning lots of people away from the sport. people just cannot see the double standards of not paying to get "certified" to use the the East Coast Bike Park but paying to use the Tampines BMX Track....and rightly so. We here at Singapore BMX have never supported it. 

Another thing is to get the freeloaders and parasites out of the scene. Yes, the people who use BMX in Singapore to sell their stuff and fulfil their own agendas. Some of them are just downright sneaky cunning. There are a few of them and they know who they are. Without parasites like these, the sport will be a better one.

So let us get to work and let the promotion of BMX in Sngapore begin!

1 comment:

macman29 said...

Bring back the BMX as it was in the 80's where is was for pleasure not profit .