Saturday, 15 December 2012

BMX parts in Singapore?

Like we have said before, we love getting letters and emails from people because we can get to spread the BMX love far and wide. The problem is, BMX race parts in Singapore are pretty hard to get and very few bike-shops carry them, so I can understand this gentleman's frustration as we have faced it before as well. This email was received recently:
Dear Sir,

Need your assistance to refers to local bike shops that carries BMX bikes and parts. I'm looking for racer specific parts and accessories or do we have to import from US/UK since the BMX scene here is basically very much dead? Never see BMX so "dead" after 30 years of cycling............BTW this is for my son.............I'm more into road bikes, but once upon a time a big BMX fans for 13 over years
Any forums or shop list you can refers to will be great.
Thank You so Much!
We replied to his email and hopefully, the shops we listed would have what he needs. As for the scene being dead...

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