Friday, 18 November 2011

Why no Singapore BMX riders at the SEA Games?

I saw a posting on Facebook, and at the same time, I also came across this article here that the "Indonesia BMX Contingent Becomes Overall Winners" in the SEA Games. First of all, I would like to congratulate our Indonesian neighbours. They have a standard of riding and perseverance that is an absolute joy to behold. But what amazes me is that the Singapore Cycling Federation did not send even one single rider to the SEA Games. I wonder what the VP of BMX in SCF is doing. At least, as VP of BMX back then, we were able to send two riders up in 2003 to the then BMX Grand Nationals in Perth, Australia. 

I suppose it boils down to how often our boys race and where. So more races need to be held and more trips to BMX races overseas. The BMX committee of the Singapore Cycling Federation really needs to do something about this or all we are going to be is one small country with a first-class BMX track with no riders even competing in events like the SEA Games. Honestly? Its embarrassing.

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