Monday, 17 October 2011

Race and practice at the track - commercial interests?

Some people have emailed me asking me why is the price to race in Singapore so expensive compared to what was it was before? Back then, I only charged ten dollars for adults and five dollars for kids. This was to keep it affordable and at the same time to get more people to come down and race. I might add that even with that low price, I managed to get trophies and medals made. In the race coming up on the 19th of November, adults are charged 30 dollars to race and kids 15 dollars. And to add insult to injury, the practice session on the 26th has adults and kids paying the same rate. I wonder if the Singapore Cycling Federation approved this on their principle, or the principle of the company who is running it, a company that I noticed is selling Kuwahara BMX bikes as well. So I would like to ask. Is it for the sport per se or is this so-called National Championships a commercial thing? Have the owners of this company actually raced BMX before or are they cashing in on the BMX trend? because if they really were doing it for the sport, the fees would be much lower and they would not charge for practice sessions. Keep those emails coming in folks!

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