Monday, 18 October 2010

Broken Demolition cranks

In the course of our daily rides, we met other cyclists who are just as passionate about their rides as we are about ours. One day we happened to come across a group of fixed-gear riders. They were attracted to the 29er I was riding then and they asked what crank I was running on my 29er. I said that it was a Profile crank. He asked me if it was strong. I told him that I used to use the crank for BMX racing and you bet it was strong. He then told me that he had a picture of a fixed-gear bike with a broken BMX crank. I told him, "This I gotta see!" So when I reach home, I had a link waiting in my email box and the picture is up there.

There is a blog for fixed-gear riders, or fixies as they are more popularly known as. This blog named FixedGear Geneva had a picture of it and the rider was a guy named David Pili. Apparently, he cracked the cranks after a gnarly riding session. My respect for these riders just went up another notch. You guys rock man!

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