Friday, 20 August 2010

From a reader of our blog....paranoid android?

I would like to go on record to thank this gentlemen who posted something in the blog. And I can say that his sentiment is shared by many.

Ok, this is how I see it. I'm sure I'm not alone. Singapore seems to have this paranoid mentality that portrays: If we build the track early, people might use it and enjoy it. Now we don't want that do we... I'm actually surprised it isn't being demolished after the games due to it being a "safety issue - someone might get hurt". I'm super keen to ride this track, but I'm expecting to be hit with hundreds of conditions of use. "Must not leave the ground", "Do not go above 20km/h" And so on... Sounding so negative, but it's how it is.

I actually went to check out the track a month or so ago, I was swamped by security and their CANNOT word when I asked about having a look... It was right there, still CANNOT. Please I said, I just want to look at it... CANNOT. After 10 or 15 minutes of talking to the slowly calming "security" guy guarding the gate like it was Buckingham palace, he allowed me to look at it under his supervision...

Lets see how it goes after the games...

You are right about that. The Games are almost at a close. You can bet we will be keeping a very close eyes on the proceedings.

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