Monday, 22 March 2010

Rally behind YOG, Singaporeans...right

I read this story here about the Government asking Singaporeans to rally behind the YOG. Now one has to ask themselves...what has the YOG done for us?

Back in 2003 when we asked for a BMX track to be built, the SSC did not even give us the time of day. Now with the YOG here, they are scrambling like mad to get the track done, with no Singaporean BMX racers that could have been _if_ the track had been ready way back when. Not only that, when we push and push for the track to be built, we are called "terrorists" by some people at the people at the top because of our relentless pushing and talking to the press

Getting through to the YOG people, do not get us started on that. Leaving messages for them to get backl to us and they do not even want to. It is like they are not interested in the whole Singapore BMX thing. Some people that come to mind are a certain Dominic who does not even want to return our calls.

So we ask again...why should we rally behind the YOG?

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