Thursday, 15 January 2009

Someone wants a Kuwahara

I get many mails on a daily basis. Some of them are inspirational, some are nostalgic and some are even asking for some information with regards to the BMX scene here in Singapore. Some just see the many gatherings we have for the old-school and want to know more, like this guy who writes me an email the other day. Seems like he had a Kuwahara BMX back in the day.

Hi there,

I love your site!!! Its really heartening to know that there is such a huge interest in the old school bikes!

I would love to own one again (I use to have 1 of those Laserlite back in the late 80's)
Am pretty sure it's almost impossible to find 1 these days but do you think you could point me in the direction where I can find the newer Kuwaharas? Any shop around that sells them?

Thanks in advance, Cheers!!

Well mate, would love to tell you where you can get one but they are pretty hard to come by, old and new! The old ones are understandable because they are pretty rare and you can find some old people who do own some valuable old bikes that they probably picked up for a song when BMX started to die out in the mid to late 80s. As for the new Kuwaharas, you can check out the website at and check out some of the bikes they have there. They are not made in Japan like the quality Kuwaharas of old. They are now made in Taiwan but the stuff coming from Taiwan now is of good to excellent quality, not like the Taiwan from back in the day.

Keep those emails coming in guys! We can be reached at anyday!

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